FIP Webinar on "Communicating vaccine safety, building vaccine confidence" - 27 November 13.00 CET
تاریخ نگارش : پنجشنبه 1399/9/6

FIP Webinar on "Communicating vaccine safety, building vaccine confidence"

 27 November 13.00 CET


Dear Colleagues


We are at a critical time for the management and control of the pandemic, with new vaccines soon becoming available. Building vaccine confidence and addressing vaccine hesitancy and concerns with evidence-based advice is fundamental for the success of vaccination strategies. Pharmacists can play an essential role towards these goals. This is an important webinar with excellent speakers and moderator. I hope you can attend


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We appreciate your collaboration in promoting this webinar across your members and networks. Feel free to use the attached announcement on your social media

Thank you


Kind regards


Gonçalo Sousa Pinto


بازدید : 1178 نفر