Dear Omid Sabzevari
The decision not to have our global congress this year face to face, means we want to engage with all our membership organisations throughout the year and to ensure FIP supports you and your members. To that end, we would like to share with you the FIP Digital Events calendar for 2021 which we want to offer to you and all your members for free
The FIP Digital Events include diverse programmes and series, covering a wide range of topics relevant to global health priorities, but also important across pharmacy practice, science and education and workforce development. Examples of our digital events
antimicrobial resistance;
non-communicable and communicable diseases;
patient safety;
prevention strategies (from self-care to vaccination);
digitisation of health care;
21FIP Development Goals implementation; and
Many more topics
Our digital events are delivered via Zoom and we livestream them on Facebook. We also offer live a transcript in English during the webinars and, where possible, we will apply English subtitles to assist with translation into your languages
We offer a range of events from webinars, to roundtables, to panel discussions and interview style events. The FIP Digital Events can offer value and interest to your members, as they are free of charge and open for all
You can mention our FIP Digital Events on your website by placing the logo (attached) or one of the banners from here:
You can link the image to this list of all upcoming events:
Please feel free to share this with your members
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know and I will be happy to help you
Kind regards,