Dear Dr. Sabzevari
After two years of seeing each other only virtually, we are excited to host the FIP 80th World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in person,in Seville, Spain, jointly with the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain
From 18 to 22 September 2022, all international colleagues and pharmacy experts will come together to review our shared experiences of the past few years and search for solutions to advance the well-being of global communities. Check our website for more information and register for your FIP congress experience here
Here is the summary of all important dates
5June 2022: Deadline for abstract submission here
1July 2022: Deadline notification authors
15July 2022: First deadline registration here
Help us share this news with your members
Mention our event on your website by using one of the banners ( or the attached logo
Looking forward to seeing you in Seville
Kind regards