Call for Expressions of Interest for new WHO initiatives on PFAS and on pesticide metabolites
تاریخ نگارش : جمعه 1402/10/1


Call for Expressions of Interest to provide technical support to WHO’s evaluation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)


The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking expressions of interest from institutions or individual(s) to conduct a landscape review on the health effects and sources of exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and develop a methodology for an in-depth assessment

This work would enable WHO in the future, to undertake a more in-depth assessment of PFAS on the key health end-points of concern, with the view to establish health-based values


Deadline for application:  12 January 2024

Access here to read the Terms of Reference and apply




Call for Expressions of Interest to develop a methodology for assessing the relevance of pesticide metabolites in drinking-water

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking expressions of interest from institutions, companies or individual consultants for technical support to WHO’s work on drinking-water safety and quality, specifically to provide technical inputs for a WHO initiative to assess the relevance of pesticide metabolites in drinking-water

The risks to human health from pesticide metabolites in drinking-water have not been consistently identified by WHO Member States. While WHO has established an assessment scheme to evaluate pesticide metabolites in plants and animal tissues (WHO, 2015), no equivalent scheme has been developed for assessing pesticide metabolites in water. Establishment of such a framework would help Member States to more consistently assess such risks


Deadline for application:  5 January 2024

Access here to read the Terms of Reference and apply

بازدید : 968 نفر